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Awkward Moment Status for Whatsapp, Facebook 253 + Collection - P2

funny awkward moment status, awkward moments posts, that awkward moment love, awkward, moment status for facebook, awkward ex moments, really awkward moments, those awkward moments quotes, awesome moment status.

Awkward Moment Status

Awkward Moment Status

That awkward moment when you have 10 tabs open and you cant figure out which one the music is coming from.
That awkward moment when you insult someone in a status without using their name and they're so clueless they like it.
That awkward moment when you pick up the remote control to answer the phone.
That awkward moment when you post an awkward moment status on Facebook and spell awkward wrong. :P
That awkward moment when you remember something funny in your head and laugh to yourself then see everybody looking at you like you're crazy.
That awkward moment when you say 'Hey' to someone on Facebook chat, and seconds later they sign out.. :P
That awkward moment when you say 'I Love You' on the phone and the person says WHAT?? .......... COME AGAIN...!!
That awkward moment when you say the wrong answer aloud in class... Confidently. :P
That awkward moment when you see one of your old best friends, but they hate you now.
That awkward moment when you sing the wrong part of a song with confidence.
That awkward moment when you start telling a story and you realize no one's listening, so you slowly fade out and pretend you never said anything.
That awkward moment when you throw something at your friend and it hits somebody else. :P
That awkward moment when you try checking out a friend's Page, and you find out you've been blocked. :P
That awkward moment when you want to buy something, check the price and sadly, leave it there.
That awkward moment when you wave to someone and it turns out they were waving to the person behind you. :P
That awkward moment when you wave to someone... but they don't wave back! :P
That awkward moment when you're at the grocery store and someones standing by what you need, so just you pretend to look at something else until they move.
That awkward moment when you're caught naked grabbing a towel, thinking nobody was home. :D
That awkward moment when you're checking yourself out in the window of a car and then realize there is someone inside.
That awkward moment when you're drinking something and your straw gets a hole in it.
That awkward moment when you're playing with your pen in class and suddenly it flies across the room.
That awkward moment when you're walking out of a room like a model and your bag hooks on the door handle. :P
That awkward moment when you're yelling at someone and you mess up a word.
That awkward moment when your crush asks you who you like.

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