Friday Status For Whatsapp, Happy Status For Friday, Best Friday Whatsapp Status, Friday Statuses Updates For Whatsapp, Funny Friday Good Morning Status, Good Friday Quotes For Whatsapp, Latest Friday Status .
Why is Monday so far away from Friday, but Friday is so darn close to Monday!
Why is Monday so far away from Friday, but Friday is so darn close to Monday!
Well, it’s easy to tell I’m married. It’s Friday night and I’m at home updating my Facebook status…
Welcome to Friday. In preparation for takeoff, please ensure all negative attitudes are properly stowed. On behalf of your captain, Samuel Adams and myself, welcome aboard. I expect sunshine and good attitudes today for our trip. Enjoy the ride.
Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.
The scale and I are finally at peace with each other and it has nothing to do with food.
The only Happy END that I know it’s the weekEND!
The funniest things keep happening to me on Fridays… I misplace my energy when the sun comes up and I always seem to find it when the sun goes down…, I think I have it all backwards…! Friday is funny! LOL!....# Status For Whatsapp
Remember: Being awake during a Saturday Morning sunrise is a sign of a good Friday Night.
Once again its Friday I know its only been 7 days since the last one but feels like its been a week….
Ok great name for a band .”.Half Price Drinks” how can you not pack them in on a Friday night with that name on the sign out front
OK Friday, I have waited 6 day’s on you to arrive. I hope you have brought Saturday and Sunday with you, but please lock the door and don’t let Monday in.
My boss just informed me that “It’s FRIDAY” is not a legitimate excuse to start drinking at 8am.
Monday morning coffee is just as important as Friday night liquor….almost.
Monday, I hate you. Tuesday, you stink too, Wednesday still pushing it, Thursday getting better, Friday…love ya! Saturday you are heaven, Sunday you’re OK.
Monday, I hate you. Tuesday, you stink too, Wednesday still pushing it, Thursday getting better, Friday…love ya! Saturday you are heaven, Sunday you’re OK
I’ve never met a Friday I didn’t like!
I’m hoping that Thursday happy hour, doesn’t become Friday sad morning hangover. Happy Friday.
It’s going to be a fantastic day (just as soon as I get some caffeine in me!!) LOL!
Its Friday…I hope your weekend isn’t as lonely as Lance Armstrong’s testicle.
It is bad luck to fall out of a thirteenth story window on Friday. – American Proverb
Instead of that daylight savings crap why don’t we just move the clock ahead an hour every Friday at noon so we get outta work early , then on Sunday move the clock back an hour at like 3AM so we can sleep that extra hour .
In addition to Casual Friday, I propose the following: Punch A Coworker Monday, No Pants Tuesday, Drunk
I hate Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and half of Friday.
I am seriously having a very very lazy day today… It’s Friday and my butt just doesn’t want to move at all … lol :)
I always give 100% at work: 13% Monday, 22% Tuesday, 26% Wednesday, 35% Thursday and 4% Friday.
Happy Friday everyone! May your weekend be full of adventure and cheer, and may the start of next week be a long ways from here.
Happy Friday! I haven’t been so excited about Friday since last Friday.
Fridays are exciting, Knowing there is no alarm clock on Saturday, no stress from work. No one to answer to, and relaxing with your family.
Friday is my second favorite “F” word! LOL
Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to stop me from savagely beating one of my coworkers with a keyboard.
Friday has finally arrived people. Now it is time to spend the weekend doing whatever you want and spending it with whoever you want! Happy Friday Everybody!
Friday. My second favorite F word.
FRIDAY one of the most beautiful words in the English language, followed closely by SATURDAY and SUNDAY. Happy Friday and Happy Weekend to all.
Every Friday, I feel like I deserve a flavored latte for all my hard work during the week.
Don’t wait untill friday, start your weekend on monday !!
Dear Weekend, I really enjoyed the time we spent together the past couple days. I’m sorry you had to leave so quickly, but just know that you’ll be on my mind.
Dear Radio Stations, please do not play Katy Perry’s “Friday Night” Monday morning at 8 AM during my drive to work.
Dear Friday, I’m so glad we are back together. I’m sorry you had to see me with Monday-Thursday, but I swear I was thinking of you the whole time.
Coffee makes my mornings. But Friday makes my week
Climb into bed tonight with that blissful feeling that there will be no alarm clock in the morning -It’s the WEEKEND! – Woohoo!!
Climb into bed tonight with that blissful feeling that there will be no alarm clock in the morning -It’s the WEEKEND! – Woohoo!!
Any month starting on a Sunday will have a Friday the 13th.
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a workstation … and today is when it stops!!
2 horrible facts: 1. Today is not Friday… 2. Tomorrow is not Friday..
Friday Status |
Friday Status
I would like to thank you people for letting me know its friday every week its thoughts like this that keep me on facebook.Why is Monday so far away from Friday, but Friday is so darn close to Monday!
Why is Monday so far away from Friday, but Friday is so darn close to Monday!
Well, it’s easy to tell I’m married. It’s Friday night and I’m at home updating my Facebook status…
Welcome to Friday. In preparation for takeoff, please ensure all negative attitudes are properly stowed. On behalf of your captain, Samuel Adams and myself, welcome aboard. I expect sunshine and good attitudes today for our trip. Enjoy the ride.
Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.
The scale and I are finally at peace with each other and it has nothing to do with food.
The only Happy END that I know it’s the weekEND!
The funniest things keep happening to me on Fridays… I misplace my energy when the sun comes up and I always seem to find it when the sun goes down…, I think I have it all backwards…! Friday is funny! LOL!....# Status For Whatsapp
Remember: Being awake during a Saturday Morning sunrise is a sign of a good Friday Night.
Once again its Friday I know its only been 7 days since the last one but feels like its been a week….
Ok great name for a band .”.Half Price Drinks” how can you not pack them in on a Friday night with that name on the sign out front
OK Friday, I have waited 6 day’s on you to arrive. I hope you have brought Saturday and Sunday with you, but please lock the door and don’t let Monday in.
My boss just informed me that “It’s FRIDAY” is not a legitimate excuse to start drinking at 8am.
Monday morning coffee is just as important as Friday night liquor….almost.
Monday, I hate you. Tuesday, you stink too, Wednesday still pushing it, Thursday getting better, Friday…love ya! Saturday you are heaven, Sunday you’re OK.
Monday, I hate you. Tuesday, you stink too, Wednesday still pushing it, Thursday getting better, Friday…love ya! Saturday you are heaven, Sunday you’re OK
I’ve never met a Friday I didn’t like!
I’m hoping that Thursday happy hour, doesn’t become Friday sad morning hangover. Happy Friday.
It’s going to be a fantastic day (just as soon as I get some caffeine in me!!) LOL!
Its Friday…I hope your weekend isn’t as lonely as Lance Armstrong’s testicle.
It is bad luck to fall out of a thirteenth story window on Friday. – American Proverb
Instead of that daylight savings crap why don’t we just move the clock ahead an hour every Friday at noon so we get outta work early , then on Sunday move the clock back an hour at like 3AM so we can sleep that extra hour .
In addition to Casual Friday, I propose the following: Punch A Coworker Monday, No Pants Tuesday, Drunk
I hate Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and half of Friday.
I am seriously having a very very lazy day today… It’s Friday and my butt just doesn’t want to move at all … lol :)
I always give 100% at work: 13% Monday, 22% Tuesday, 26% Wednesday, 35% Thursday and 4% Friday.
Happy Friday everyone! May your weekend be full of adventure and cheer, and may the start of next week be a long ways from here.
Happy Friday! I haven’t been so excited about Friday since last Friday.
Fridays are exciting, Knowing there is no alarm clock on Saturday, no stress from work. No one to answer to, and relaxing with your family.
Friday is my second favorite “F” word! LOL
Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to stop me from savagely beating one of my coworkers with a keyboard.
Friday has finally arrived people. Now it is time to spend the weekend doing whatever you want and spending it with whoever you want! Happy Friday Everybody!
Friday. My second favorite F word.
FRIDAY one of the most beautiful words in the English language, followed closely by SATURDAY and SUNDAY. Happy Friday and Happy Weekend to all.
Every Friday, I feel like I deserve a flavored latte for all my hard work during the week.
Don’t wait untill friday, start your weekend on monday !!
Dear Weekend, I really enjoyed the time we spent together the past couple days. I’m sorry you had to leave so quickly, but just know that you’ll be on my mind.
Dear Radio Stations, please do not play Katy Perry’s “Friday Night” Monday morning at 8 AM during my drive to work.
Dear Friday, I’m so glad we are back together. I’m sorry you had to see me with Monday-Thursday, but I swear I was thinking of you the whole time.
Coffee makes my mornings. But Friday makes my week
Climb into bed tonight with that blissful feeling that there will be no alarm clock in the morning -It’s the WEEKEND! – Woohoo!!
Climb into bed tonight with that blissful feeling that there will be no alarm clock in the morning -It’s the WEEKEND! – Woohoo!!
Any month starting on a Sunday will have a Friday the 13th.
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a workstation … and today is when it stops!!
2 horrible facts: 1. Today is not Friday… 2. Tomorrow is not Friday..